Posted in Me, myself & I

Random Thoughts

Was eating alone in the mall this evening and a few random thoughts crossed my mind :-D.

~ I realized that I used to chew with my open mouth.  I don’t know why but my friends (maybs) used to tell me not to chew that way.  Now, I suddenly realized that I am somehow chewing with my mouth close.  I’m sure she’ll be soooo thrilled to know of my evolution bwahahahhaahah.

~ It’s good to have my ‘alone’ time.  A time to be at peace.  A time to think things through.  A time to relax.

~ I’m ready for whatever might happen in my work and in my life.  It is our fear that hinders our growth.  To face and conquer our fear is to be free.

 ~ I respond well to challenge so don’t try me!

~ My work environment has became toxic for my own good.  I need to find a  new job.  Anyone knows any vacancy?? hehehe

~ I’m not an idiot… I just look like one. LOL 

Enough with this crazy thoughts.  Need to sleep early… so gotta go.  Bye.